This is a hot button topic for me, let me be on my soapbox for a minute here. Thanks in advance.
Thos was originally a Facebook post by the TRUTH about service dogs
I don’t know who needs to hear this but there is a difference between a service dog and an emotional support animal.
There are psychiatric service dogs that are task trained to help migaite a mental disability. They are trained to do tasks that are directly related to the handler’s disability just like any other type of service dog.
An ESA is not task trained to migaite a disability and simply the presence of the animal helps to alleviate symptoms of a disability.
To qualify as a service dog they must be trained tasks that midigate the disability. It has nothing to do with weather your disability is physical or mental. It has everything to do with whether the dog is task trained to migaite that disability rather than it helping just by being there.