Thursday, December 23, 2021

Guide Dog Union

Dear Union Rep for the Guide dog Union,

I’d like to file a complaint against my human. She did the unthinkable! She! Washed! The! Dog! Toy! My stinky, well-loved, dog spit-encrusted, stuffed squeaky toy trout... She took it away from me, and she put it in the spinning wet thing where the human fur goes to get my fur and spit off of it. So I have to work twice as hard to make it smell like me and look like me again. Why do they insist on making me work so much harder after I get things all good and furred and smelly anyway? Then she put the soap on it, and then she put it in the hot thing with the big banging door. The humans go clean it off, and leave me to start all over getting it full of dog spit and that’s really hard work that requires a lot of unpaid hours of hard work. I feel this is unfair labor practices, resulting in a hostile work environment, because I have to do twice the work and all my human has to do is say: “Ferdinand, out.” I find this highly unethical, and the Ferdinand Rule Book doesn’t have a rule for telling my human no when she asks me to give her things. It would be unethical for me to not give her the toy. But it’s unethical for her to take all my hard-earned spit off that toy! 

But she took my trout! And now it’s all fluffy and clean and wrong! She squeaked it at me. I refused to acknowledge her. Maybe if I give her the silent treatment, she’ll learn not to do things like that anymore. 

But I’d like some sort of union meeting where we tell the humans it’s just wrong to take our broken or dirty or smelly toys and clean them. That’s when they’re in prime toy condition! I do not know how to help them understand that these belong to us, and we like them filthy and smelly! 

Signed: Ferdinand the Guide Dog

Dear Ferdinand, active union member, number xxxxx:

Thank you for your letter of concern. We have reviewed your complain about a hostile work environment... but we do not find this rises to the level of hostile work environment because you can not play with your trout while working. This does not necessitate a strike by all Guide dogs, nor a labor meeting... but we do suggest continuing to administer silent treatment to your human until she learns that taking your toys and cleaning them is a bad human behavior. Please let us know if her behavior persists, and we will have a union rep visit her to discuss the matter further. The removal of cuddling, lack of wagging, and extra sad puppy eyes may be recommended if her behavior does not cease. We wish you the best of luck, and remind you to reach out with any concerns you have regarding your work. Thank you for your service. You are one outstanding service dogs.


Your Union Rep: service dog unions HQ, Guide Dog division

Thank God mom hasnt washed any of my toys yet. I dont own many plush toys, mom thinks I'll destroy them.

Monday, December 20, 2021


I just blew mom's mind. We went to the Wild Lights display at the D etroit Zoo. So many new things and smells and mom says I did perfect through all of it.

He did absolutely amazing! I thought putting boot a on him would cause problems but I was mistaken, he didn't care at all and did his job perfectly. I thought the zoo and all the smells  would cause issues, again not an issue. Wow, just wow. Thank you Leader Dogs for the Blind for Mr. Wonder Dog here m.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Training Time (again)

I know I've talked about it before and posted a link  to a blog post by my school (LDB) and this probably covers the same information but some people like videos better.

Friday, August 13, 2021

A Guide Dog Life

Here is the life of a guide dog from puppy to guide. 


We did indeed move into an apartment as Happe said. We have been here for a week now and it has been going well, I am still learning my way around and Happe has been a rockstar and a steady rock. We saw Ann (human), Mint (guide dog), and Mikki (human) the other day and let me tell you, it was furry.  We will be going to see the classroom I will be student teaching in on Tuesday, hoping it goes well. 


We got a new home! There is no yard but my friend Mint lives here somewhere. I like it, we can play all the time and not worry about disturbing anyone.
¤ Happe

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Yay friends

I got to hang with some friends yesterday. We met some puppies and I got a bath.
¤ Happe
PD 1:Happe and his friend Pretzel, a golden retriever, sitting next to each other. They look like brothers.
PD 2: six poodle puppies of varying colors sitting in their pen behind a gate

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


You haven't really met me yet. My name is Happe. I am a nearly two year old golden lab cross. I love fetch and running around like a crazy dog, mom says I'm a goofball and is always laughing at my antics. I love my snuggles, belly rubs and my mom.

The Beginning

I know I've been very bad about posting but there really just isn't that much going on. We sit around all day doing nothing, sometimes inside sometimes outside.

Story time:
I was not expecting to get a dog till mid April because that is when school ended for me, so when my instructor emailed me in February asking if I would be up to getting a new dog I was really surprised. They brought out two dogs that I got to work with to see if either of them would work. Juno 1(Danny) was sweet but there was not a connection there. Juno 2 (Happe) was also sweet and did not want to leave when it was time to go. A few weeks later on March 8th they brought Happe out for training  and now we have been a team for nearly three months and it is amazing.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

What an honor

We got to meet Legacy today. He's Leader dogs for the blind's 20,000 dog and Happe's half brother. It's a big deal.
P.D: a light yellow and light red dog sitting in the grass sort of looking at the camera with their mouths open
☆ Katie

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Big Update

I GOT A NEW GUIDE DOG!! Meet Happe (like happy without the /y/). He is a nearly 2 golden/lab mix who will eat his own tail, go in circles, and will parade around with a toy or two in his mouth. He was a home delivery and it has been a crazy two weeks with school and training.
P.D a golden yellow dog laying on a blue mat gnawing on a yellow nylabone

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 Long story short I had to retire Ori due to safety issues. This past semester tried to kill me. I might be getting a new dog in April. I will be student teaching in the fall, no I do not know where yet but I will be in Ann Arbor, Novi, or Lincoln Park. Also sorry about being so lax on the posting, I have post ideas saved up but I do not have a guide dog any more so I feel really bad posting about my not very exciting, hectic life and also COVID.

☆ Katie

My Roommate...

Roommates are weirdml. Also all of these are from the facebook group Things Dog Ha ndlers Say. ☆Katie ■ My roommate uses my butt as a pillow...