Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I suppose I Need No Introduction

Let me introduce myself. I am Minty's other half of this guide dog operation. My name is Ann, and I am currently a substitute teacher. I graduated with a BA in journalism from Oakland University.
My goals in life include traveling the world and writing about everything and anything.
You will all know with future blogs, that my dog thinks she is the boss. For the most part, she is. I hope that the new year will bring many adventures.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

My Turn

We already heard from the human half of The O.K Team, now it's my turn.
My name is Ori, I am one of the best things mom ever did (She tells me all the time). I met mom ( yes, she is my mom and nobody can tell us otherwise) in 2017 at Leader Dogs for the Blind. I am a rambunctious, 4 year old German Shepherd, I love playing, and being outside. Mom has documented many of what she calls my antics, like the photo below of me on the wrong side of the desk staring back at her. I am Mints "younger sister" and I love her, she'll disagree (I don't know why tho).

Hi from The O.K Team

Hi everyone!!
My name is Katie and I am here with my guide dog Ori to be one of the authors of this blog, this is my first blog so bear with mre. We make up The O.K Team. I am currently in college to become an elementary teacher. From me you will get random articles I have written, personal stories, made up dialogs between me and the dog, and  things I think the dog would say if she could talk. There will also be pictures and maybe videos of both of us. I will try to post once a week but school comes first.
For those of you that cannot see the picture I posted it is of a young woman with brown hair and a black tee shirt sitting at a picnic table with a black and tan German Shepard wearing a guide harness standing on the ground next to her.

My Roommate...

Roommates are weirdml. Also all of these are from the facebook group Things Dog Ha ndlers Say. ☆Katie ■ My roommate uses my butt as a pillow...