Thursday, June 29, 2023

Life Since the Last Post

So as stated before I've started a new job and it's going well, although it's like hearding  cats but what more is to be expected from kindergarteners? The director of the kiddie camps helped me set the ground rules with the kids and I am beyond grateful for the support and the kids have been great about following the rules too. Happe has been enjoying the week off as recover from the flu. There isn't much else to report.

Ok, I'm not sure I was ready for watching kids but if this is what mom wants...I guess . Mom is better about treats but I always want more.

Damn lab. Love you

Thursday, June 15, 2023

This Dog

Three nights of training in a row and and Happe was good all three nights. Yeah  it was a lot of sitting around but there were a lot of people and smells.

Mom, you need to up my pay.
Yes, I know I do. And starting Tuesday I will.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

6/14 Real Life

*Real life alert*
6/14 @ 8:11ish pm
So staying dry while walking to a lyft is a thing I need to do even while it is actively raining  and even a damp service animal is gronds for denial.
Like I'm blind not magic 
How was I supposed to know it was gonna storm tonight and still be raining when I left my training, I'm not psychic? Clearly I need to have a doggie raincoat at all times, along with all the dog stuff I already carry, do you know how hard it is to find the right bag and are you gonna buy it for me? Didn't think so,, so shut up and take me. 

My Roommate...

Roommates are weirdml. Also all of these are from the facebook group Things Dog Ha ndlers Say. ☆Katie ■ My roommate uses my butt as a pillow...