Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Mama and papa came to Boston for a week and made mom a cake , I got some too. We went to Provencetown. Now we are in Michigan, but not seeing friends. Mom tried to get me into lake Michigan even tho it's freezing, rude mom.
PD: Happe laying in the sand with the water behind him

Mon made me go on a dune tour with her and dad, the driver was going way fast and everytime we crested a hill we all went flying (like wheb you got air air going over a railroad track), I didn't like it at all, classic conditioning be dawned. I made some friends last night on our walk!
On the tour they let us out at a beach on Lake Michigan in all the dunes. It had booming sand, a natural occurance where the sand is composed of materials that squeak when rubbed together.
After the tour we went to Little Sable lighthouse, it's 137 feet tall and the oldest working lighthouse in Michigan.
PD: Happe, mom, and dad sitting on the beach.
PD: Little Sable lighthouse. A tall brick cylinder with a light at the top.

Monday, August 12, 2024


Mom never posts my blogs on time, "finally" was supposed to be out Friday not Sunday. *pout
While I'm here let me tell you a few more things mom does/ doesn't do that really get me going. Take note, mom. She is always playing with the treat pouch but rarely gives me any. She wakes me up to go to the bathroom. She only plays with me inside and calls me "lazy" or "boring" when I sit next to her/ lay down with the toy and won't play. She makes me conceme sit next to her when I want to do is sit by dad. She forces me to go play when we are in the dog park. She never gives me any attention, never mind the fact that she lays on the floor with me or will get down on all four and play with me on the living room rug.

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Finally I can get go my summer. Camp is over. I get to see mama and papa. Although I didn't sign up to watch mom and dad clean.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Meet The Sighted Month

This is a humorous take on the fact that it is Disability Awareness Month. Please take your offendedness elsewhere, thanks. ☆Kati  Meet the ...