Friday, October 25, 2024

Blind Blunders

This is from facebook group I'm part of. I thought this was funny and is a prime example of life as a blind person.
• Before I lost my side, I bought two pairs of the same sneakers, different colors One day I decided to wear them out. I grabbed one of each, and nobody noticed before I left my home. So I walked around with one red and one black Reebok.
• Not paying attention to seams on a shirt and wearing inside out all day until my granddaughter noticed.
• Asked a chair to introduce itself to a room of people I just met!
• I walked around all day with my toothbrush sticking out of my shirt pocket. I put it there after brushing and forgot all about it.
• I also once put a piece of kleenex on a shaving nick. I noticed it about 2 hours later after leaving home, after I'd been on the bus and an elevator.
•brushed my teeth with sunblock which was fun and interesting
•washed dishes with mustard
•Thought a person standing still in a store was a mannequin and feeling them up to see the outfit
•Sat on a plane for an 8 hour flight wondering the whole time why the person sitting next to me was being ignored the whole time while I was being offered food and stuff, until we landed, and I realized that I was sitting by the window . . . . So I’ve been wondering the whole time basically why the window was being ignored.
•on a school trip and were out and about, we stopped for a bathroom break and a snack, and I, trying to be helpful as we were leaving, grabbed the handle bars or whatever they are called, of my class mate's wheel chair and started pushing it. The lady sitting in that wheel chair went “Hey, what are you doing?”
• I came home from school and found a bunch of cartons on the counter. I thought they were apple juice so I cracked one open poured myself a huge glass and took a swig, found out it was beef broth.
•Another time it was Christmas break and I figured I would mix up a bunch of sandwich spreads for lunch for my dad. So I opened up the cans mixed it up with mayo and onions as I thought it was tuna fish, my dad came in. I pointed out the sandwich spread to him and he said no thanks and ended up making himself eggs. About two days later he asked me how I was feeling and I said I’m fine And asked what was going on. He asked me if I felt like purring, catching mice. I responded no. He laughed and said to me that I had ended up mixing cat food for a sandwich spread.
• Drank someone else’s can or glass.
• I wore someone else’s shoes home!
And many more

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My Roommate...

Roommates are weirdml. Also all of these are from the facebook group Things Dog Ha ndlers Say. ☆Katie ■ My roommate uses my butt as a pillow...