Wednesday, August 24, 2022

MY ice cube

Last night daddy went to get some water and he put the ice cubes in my bowl not expecting me to get them. And when I jumped up to get them mom died laughing at my late night antics.

Monday, August 22, 2022


It is crazy how fast people get used to the names our dogs have. Like I thought Happe was strange name at first but now, it's just normal to me. Ann's dog name is Mint.
There are also just some weird names out there
-My friend has a dog  names Pretzel 
-Someone who works at leader dogs has a dog named nutmeg
-a different friend has a dog named Clutch
-when I was getting Ori there were some weird dog names like: Bunker, Delta-April, Magic, Stutz (gymnastic move), Olympia (typewriter brand), Zooy (shoe brand).

Week of Aug 15

We took some walks. Mom says her knee hates her so I'm bored beyond belief.

My knee is killing me, so much so that walking hurts. We are getting to know the area a bit better. Its been a bit cooler lately, but as it's August that could change. Its been to warm during the day to go out so its been tought going out during the day.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

week of Aug 1 and Aug 8

Mom abandon me for a stick earlier, she's back now but still. Then she ignored me for awhile after that.
♤ Happe

I was working on how to use a white cane. It was 20 minutes and I much prefer a steadying companion to a cane, so I have no clue what he is worried about. 

Too much activity. We went out three times this week and all in a row, the first two we didn't do anything and someone was watching the first time, the third to time wr went to Lincoln Park with daddy.  I'm done.
♤ Happe

We did go out quite a bit this week after it cooled down a bit outside. I hate O & M (orientation & mobility) training, it's so... uugh. Call me chicken bilut our second walk got us nothing as I wouldn't go into the store. Lincoln Park was nice, a lot better than Central Park  (and closer too). I'm tired too .

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Our Voices: Please, Respectfully Announce Yourself

Please, Respectfully Announce Yourself

A visually impaired person may not have peripheral vision, nor the ability to identify who is approaching them. A common courtesy is to announce yourself to a friend who is visually impaired. This announcing technique lets a low vision/non-visual person know that you are indeed a friend and that you know them. This is comforting. For it is what we cannot see that is MOST scary to us.

Approach With a Sound

If walking or jogging past me, please tell me, “Passing you on the right,” etc. It can be confusing to hear the noise of rustling leaves or jogging feet without knowing where the sound is coming from.

Please Don’t Yell

You don’t have to yell when speaking to me. I am low vision, NOT low hearing. 

Be Courteous and Kind

If you see me struggling to open the door for myself and my guide dog, please bless me with kindness and ask “May I help?” One act of kindness goes an awfully long way.

Read today’s entire Voices story at:

Read more about our Voices of the LDB Community initiative at:

◇ Leader Dogs

My Roommate...

Roommates are weirdml. Also all of these are from the facebook group Things Dog Ha ndlers Say. ☆Katie ■ My roommate uses my butt as a pillow...