Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Why are disabled people so mean?

From a Facebook page called: The TRUTH About ServicevDogs. It's a common problemthough.

Today in Publix a woman came up to me, I was working Calliope only to give her some training time and one on one since she hasn't been out in a while alone, and I was feeling well enough to go without both girls. 
The woman chose to lean down and baby talk Cally. Mind you, society has deemed face masks are a thing so we can't see facial expressions at this point but I smiled and said please don't talk to her she's working. 
"But I'm just talking to her. "
Yes, and that's a distraction that could jeopardize my health. Please don't. 
She was upset but left. At checkout she followed me to say "You're so mean"
Actually,  you're selfish act to prioritize your love of dogs above my medical need to have her by my side is "mean". If she was focused on your doting on her, and missed my oncoming seizure and I fell and had ANOTHER concussion that could be the one that kills me. It isn't a joke, I have brain damage from my falls and am a risk. I don't take my dogs out for fun, the pair aren't an accessory. They're medical equipment suggested by my doctor team and task trained for my medical needs. Please, treat them with the respect they have earned with their training and allow me to shop in peace. 
( for info on service animal laws)


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