Thursday, October 15, 2020

Service vs. ESA

This is a hot button topic for me, let me be on my soapbox for a minute here. Thanks in advance.
Thos was originally a Facebook post by the TRUTH about service dogs

I don’t know who needs to hear this but there is a difference between a service dog and an emotional support animal. 

There are psychiatric service dogs that are task trained to help migaite a mental disability. They are trained to do tasks that are directly related to the handler’s disability just like any other type of service dog. 
An ESA is not task trained to migaite a disability and simply the presence of the animal helps to alleviate symptoms of a disability. 

To qualify as a service dog they must be trained tasks that midigate the disability. It has nothing to do with weather your disability is physical or mental. It has everything to do with whether the dog is task trained to migaite that disability rather than it helping just by being there.


Saturday, August 15, 2020

ADA 30th

On July 26, 2020, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) celebrated its 30th anniversary. Leader Dogs for the Blind celebrates  this important civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone els.


A few weeks ago I had to retire my guide due to major distraction issues that posed safety issues. I am in the process of getting a new guide, but who knows when that will be. So  there will be no more posts from Ori, but I'll keep posting, I've got a few lined up

Friday, July 24, 2020

Physical distancing

Can we please call it physical distancing instead of social list distancing? You can help without touching. And you're probably sick of all my articles about guide dogs and physical distancing, but knowledge is power and shareable. So please share

Monday, July 20, 2020

Watch This Video

I LOVE this channel. She's so educational. Hopefully it takes you down a rabbit hole of learning. And as alwayƟ ask questions if you have them.

Friday, July 17, 2020

All My Friends in One Week

Week of 6/18: I got to see Piper, Bonnie, Mint and met Pretzel. Mom let her friend pull me into a doggy pool to swim. Mint still hates me as evidenced by the photo.
PD: Mint, a yellow lab, laying against a chair glaring at me as far from Ori as possible. Ori, a mostly black GSD, is intently looking at something on the ground.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


I don't know who reads this blog but here is some interesting information about masks and the ADA

Friday, July 3, 2020

But mmooomm

Me: you can't be part of the  chair.
Ori: watch me. *presses into chair
PD: Ori laying pressed into side of an upholstered chair in a living room

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blind Physical Distancing

Please be kind. We're trying but it isnt easy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Guide dog etiquette

This is a list of things that you should do when you see a guide dog team. Some are from the human, some are from the dog, and others are from both (noted after each). Honestly, this is just me ranting about things I do not like that people do
1)I may be cute but I've got a job, I am NOT here for you. -dog
2)if you want to do something nice, like hold a hold a door open please tell me, I'm not a jerk -human
3) don't pet the dog, just don't even ask, the answer is no, she's working. It's also distracting to the dog -human and dog
4) "over there" and anyother phrases like it don't help, they only frustrate. Play hot and cold with me I don't care-human
5) no, I don't want to hear about your dog (dead or otherwise) -human
6)I may wear glasses, but they don't "fix"my vision -human
7)I don't understand directions, tell my mom -dog
8) just because I'm in your class/ mom "knows" you does not give you petting privilege (see 1) -human and dog
These may seem like petty things to you but I don't speak up often, so I use writing .If you have questions please ask, I don't bite (hard, lol jk). I'd rather answer questions than rant. USE YOUR VOICE, EDUCATE YOURSELF, EDUICATE OTHERS.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


So the squirrels on campus are pretty tame, like follow you home tame. We were walking out of a building after class and there is a squirrel sitting in the middle of the sidewalk eatting something totally oblivious to the world and the dog that just walked out of the building 30 feet from it. Seeing this situation I decided to see how close we could get before the squirrel ran. We get within a few feet (>5) before it saw  Ori and scooted.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


I know times are hard but every little bit helps, and even if you can't donate you could join my team or share the link and help spread the word. I'm bored and have nothing better to do with my time

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I'm so bored

This sucks. It's like boring summer got extended. I haven't seen my friends since March, maybe December if we're talking about Mint. It's all "go lay down", "hush" and "I've got nothing for you's" when all I want to do is play. The walks we do take are the same we've been doing for years now.
Uuuggg save me.
◇ Ori

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Not All Heros Wear Capes

Not all heroes wear capes. They  have four paws and a tail.
Because of the Corona Virus Pandemic, it has been difficult to work my guide dog, and Michigan weather never likes to cooperate.
One day, it was nice enough to take a walk. Since I had the right of way, I started to cross the street. Before I new it, a car that was idling by, started to drive towards me.   Mint put on the breaks and pushed me back on to  the sidewalk. Mint knows her business when she is on harness.
I don't know where I would be without my amazing, beautiful  , wonderful, best friend in the world.  
Now you know,, that not all heroes wear capes. They have four paws and a tail.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Why are disabled people so mean?

From a Facebook page called: The TRUTH About ServicevDogs. It's a common problemthough.

Today in Publix a woman came up to me, I was working Calliope only to give her some training time and one on one since she hasn't been out in a while alone, and I was feeling well enough to go without both girls. 
The woman chose to lean down and baby talk Cally. Mind you, society has deemed face masks are a thing so we can't see facial expressions at this point but I smiled and said please don't talk to her she's working. 
"But I'm just talking to her. "
Yes, and that's a distraction that could jeopardize my health. Please don't. 
She was upset but left. At checkout she followed me to say "You're so mean"
Actually,  you're selfish act to prioritize your love of dogs above my medical need to have her by my side is "mean". If she was focused on your doting on her, and missed my oncoming seizure and I fell and had ANOTHER concussion that could be the one that kills me. It isn't a joke, I have brain damage from my falls and am a risk. I don't take my dogs out for fun, the pair aren't an accessory. They're medical equipment suggested by my doctor team and task trained for my medical needs. Please, treat them with the respect they have earned with their training and allow me to shop in peace. 
( for info on service animal laws)


Our First Campus Visit

We had to write and polish up a piece writing for one of my classes. And I am bored so story time:

"Look mom, I found the door!" Ori excitedly told me as she pulled me to the door of the building I would be living in that year. This was our final training before we graduated from Leader Dogs for the Blind on August 30. Training was way easier than I thought it would be, she learned where the doors were quickly, ground scents did not interest her. This was the start to a long and always growing partnership. After two years on campus , she has grown complacent in her job and knows where to go as well as I do.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

This World Has Gone Insane

If you live under a rock and  don't know everything has shutdown including school. Ori is driving eveyone nuts and won't leave my mom alone. There isn't much to post (same as always), unless you're up for story time. I still have a few projects to finish so it will still be sporatic.


Hey, look! A headless dog!
PD:Ori with her head under the sofa  

Thursday, March 5, 2020

It's break!!... and mom has to do work

So last week was break and we didn't do much. Mom had two papers to write and the backyard is a swamp. The snow is gone, I'm sad but the good, not salty smelles back! I piss mom off with all my sniffing. I saw Mint on Friday because mom took me to the mall, she claims I had too much energy. I got to play with my friends today (3.5), I made mon walk down and up six flights of stairs Tuesday.

I know, my life isn't that exciting and I haven't been writing as often as I said I would but school is trying to kill me (I bite harder). What do you guys want to see on here, my life is pretty static right now? More Ori reports? Got it
 ♡Ori ☆Katie

Monday, February 17, 2020

When Your dog is still working off harness

You know when your guide dog is still in work mode, when she makes sure you won't fall down the stairs at your parent's  house by blocking the stairway.
Last night I went to my parent's house for dinner. As I was leaving the bathroom, Mint of course, was waiting for me outside the door. As I was walking towards the couch, she placed herself by the stairs to make sure I wouldn't fall down the stairs.
I think Mint is always on work mode, even when she isn't on harness.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Mom says she doesn't like Valentine's Day, but that's another story and not why we're here. I'm here to share my "dating profile".

Name: Ori

Tagline: "But  mmoooomm"

Age: 4

Breed: pure German Shepard but a Golden Retriever at heart 

Jobs/ certification/ tricks: Leader Dog, guard dog, irritating mom, mom's dress up toy, I know most tricks in the book and if you want a show ask Mom

Interests: Helping mom, sleep, irritating mom, being outside, playing with others, being in a classroom, treats, world/ people watching

Looking for: My new best friend. I don't care what breed you are, as long as you're willing to love me and be my friend.  Someone who is nice to Mom. Has to love being outside and goofing around. 

I "borrowed" this idea from Leader Dogs For the Blind.
PD: A black and tan GSD laying on the ground surrounded by orange leaves.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Other Day

I took Ori out to go to the bathroom and she was snorting snow like it was crack. My dog is so weird.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Mint The Rockstar

 It's amazing how much Mint remembers; especially when it comes to finding places. Majority of the time, she knows where we are going, better than I do.
On Thursday, I took a substitute teaching job, at a high school in Farmington. The school is small, with 70 students attending the school. I was subbing for a social studies class. The students were great with Mint. They respected my rules without question.
When it was time for the students to have their lunch, I had to use the restroom. The secretary showed me where it was on the way to the classroom. The first amazing thing she did was find the main door so that I could take her out. When we came back, I asked Mint if she knew where the bathroom was. With the wag of her tail, and a confident step, she lead me right to the bathroom. After that, she knew exactly where the classroom was and  without missing a beat. She even took me right to the desk.
The same things happened again yesterday, when I went back for the second time.
I don't know what I would do without Mint in my life. I know that I would feel completely lost.
Even though Mint and I have been together for 5 years, it is still hard for me to trust her at times; especially in unfamiliar places.  My goal this year, after working with my field rep, is to allow her to do her job, and for me to trust her completely.  .

Friday, February 7, 2020

There's a Hole in my Plush Toy

The first version is what the dog would sing and the second is me actually finishing the song. I blame my dad for this.

There is a hole in my plush toy dear owner, dear owner there's a hole in my plush toy, dear owner a hole

Ah forget it

There is a hole in my plush toy dear owner, dear owner there's a hole in my plush toy, dear owner a hole

And how shall I fix it dear Ori, dear Ori and how shall I fix it dear Ori, and how

With needle and thread dear owner, dear owner with needle and thread dear owner, with needle and thread

I can't see it to do that dear Ori, dear Ori I can't see to do that, dear Ori I can't
♡ Ori

The last two weeks

Sorry, not sorry for being on here lately. School comes first. Here are some things that have been going on 
- going to classes
- learning to dry land mush (dog only)
- meeting new friends
- having a ladies night (pictured below, it is totally staged)
- playing in the snow with new and old friends
PD: four dogs with bowls in front of them laying in the hall. Two German Shepherds, one Aussie and one Old English Sheepdog.
☆ Katie

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Walking Rules

Here is how to walk with  a guide dog team. This NOT my school ( I went to Leader Dogs).
Originally published January 28th

Sunday, January 26, 2020

When Your Dog Has to Go....

You know when you are truly living the guide dog life when half way through your walk around the mall, your dog has to go out. At this point, you are ready to send your dog to the moon because your coat is laying on a chair on the other side of the mall in the food court. All I have to say is thank goodness for thick warm hoodies.
The best part of this story, is that you take the dog out before you go inside, and your dog decides that this spot isn't suited to her potty needs.    

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

There's Snow Everywhere

Mom hasn't let me on here since we made this blog. THERE IS SNOW EVERYWHERE! There was snow when we went on the retreat and it was snowing while we were up there. When we got home there was snow here too. Mom was super happy with how well I did at the retreat. She made me sit in the snow to get a picture, burr my butt was cold.
PD: me sitting in the snow with some covered trees behind me.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


I went on a retreat and Ori did amazing! When we got there she learned the routes really fast, on our first walk! I met some great people and learned how to cross country ski. Ori drove everyone nuts anxiously awaiting my return while I was out learning.
PD: a  cabin covered in snow surrounded by snow covered trees 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

New Year, New Semester

Even with a month-long break between last semester and this semester Ori still remembers it all (No surprise there). We have fallen into the same routine,  which is not a bad thing, but a change would be nice. I am already swamped with reading for classes.  Ori loves everyone and everyone loves her, my one prof nearly died when I said Ori could be loose in the classroom. I like having something to do, but all the work sucks. I know this really about the dog (sorry).

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Training Time

Yes, it is post  in a different blog by my school, but it is interesting and informative. People ask me about this all the time.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Happy New Year

Better late than never. Happy New year
PD: a black and tan GSD with a 2020 tiera on her head

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Introducing Ann and Mint

I would like to introduce to you, my amazing, wonderful, four-legged partner yellow lab, Mint, AKA Minty.  She and I met at Guiding Eyes for the Blind, in Your-town Heights New York. We have been partners since 2015.
Having Mint in my life has brought so much joy, and freedom into my life.  With her, I can rule the world!
I will share the ups, downs, and inside outs with all of you, as Mint and I continue on our adventures together.i  For those of you that cannot see the picture is a woman sitting in front of a fountian with a yellow lab at her feet.


My Roommate...

Roommates are weirdml. Also all of these are from the facebook group Things Dog Ha ndlers Say. ☆Katie ■ My roommate uses my butt as a pillow...